Adobe InDesign V2.0.1 CE 版 For Win 英文正式版
For Windows 9x/ME/NT(SP6)/2000(SP2)/XP
InDesign 印刷排版是專業出版方案的新平台。最新 2.0 CE 版 HoneRdBT 全台首發
2003.02.16 全新測試可用上市 www.HoneR.cc
Adobe InDesign V2.0.1 CE 版 For Win 英文正式版
■ 參考網址:http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/main.html
序號 1037-1737-0451-2783-9024-6871、1037-0597-5294-8253-3658-6667
Adobe InDesign 2.0 軟體提供了您夢想中的印刷排版工具。本產品可以與Adobe
Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator 和 Adobe Acrobat 密切整合。此外,它提供多
建支援,InDesign 2.0 也可以讓您將頁面輸出到各種媒體,例如:Adobe 可攜
式文件格式 (PDF)、電子書、Web 等等。
Adobe公司發佈InDesign(tm), 一個創新的排版設計軟件, 是面向公司專業出版
計工作室和報紙出版方案的核心。事實上,今日通過和InDesign溝通, 一些第三
這樣的方案已經出售,包括 ShadeTree生產的FR-MZ PS for InDesign,
PowrTools生產的PowrTable from 和Virginia Systems 生產的Sonar Bookends
(r) InDex(tm)。
Adobe?InDesign?2.0 software delivers the page layout tools you've
always wanted. It integrates tightly with Adobe Photoshop? Adobe
Illustrator? and Adobe Acrobat? Plus, it frees you to be more
creative by delivering intuitive features that reduce elaborate design
tasks to a few quick steps. When you're ready to print, the results
are precise and reliable. InDesign 2.0 also makes it easy to move
beyond print with built- in support for publishing pages anywhere ?to
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), as eBooks, on the Web, and more.
Finally, as you would expect, InDesign 2.0 runs natively on Mac OS X
and is compatible with Windows XP. Adobe InDesign, Adobe PageMaker?
Adobe FrameMaker??which page layout program is right for you?
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